Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Typical School Day

This is where we do our school. It is nothing fancy. The boys do each have their own desks in their room but they don't like to be separated. Luc and Nai scramble in and out of the empty chairs or build tents. Everyone stays close together.
Every week I write out a lesson plan for each boy and post it on our corkboard. The big boys read their list daily and do their assignments, occasionally working ahead if they want a lighter day later on in the week. I use the plan to keep me on tract and accountable with Luc. Nai is currently copying all our phonics sounds.
After school is completed we stack the books into a pile and replace it back on the bookshelf in the hall. Our curriculum is inexpensive (about 200 dollars for the current years for all the boys...it will get more expensive as they get older, but not horribly so). We keep the school supplies (pencils, glue, crayons, etc.) in a buffet table (big, wide dresser) in our dining room.
The point of this post is to say that homeschooling does not have to be overwhelming. Keep it simple because it trully is not the most important part of your day and your life need not revolve around it.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! It's good to see others in their homeschooling time! I have a blog...I haven't updated recently until a couple days ago. Trying to do my blog more about my craftiness. Whoot! Whoot!
