Now, I cannot claim to be the inventor of this idea. Nevertheless, it is a good idea. As most of my friends know, I keep my children with me during church. This has its drawbacks, especially with one of those children being a squirrely toddler. With the bigger boys we have kept this pretty simple, bringing a bag with notebooks and pens. Some parents I know have the children draw a picture of the sermon (how educational!) but we don't ask for a particular drawing.
I have been thinking lately that Nai is getting old enough that he can be entertained by something other than nursing, but how does one keep a toddler occupied without making that the point of church. My plan is thus: I am going to make a church bag. I was thinking that it would be great to have some Biblically themed felt prints and coloring book, some small snacks, and a couple board books.
Another idea, perhaps for slightly older than toddler (due to choking hazard): A friend of mine used to hand each of her children one piece of hard candy at the beginning of the sermon. She would remind of the verse that tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good. Isn't that cute?
So, after payday I will be trying to get this fun sack together and I will let you know how it goes.
Great idea! Now hopefully you will be taking fewer steps walking around with Nai and more time cuddling next to a pre-occupied Nai while you get to listen. I do remember those days....