Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fair Entries

To our left we have Lucas' lovely rainbow necklace. He just had to have those beads. I encouraged him to get these super cute (boyish) sports or animal beads...."No, Mommy, these are beautiful...especially with these gold beads too." Lucas knows best.

Below is Abe's turtle drawing. In case I have not mentioned it before, Abe loves all things turtle. I thought he made a good use of color.

Again to our left we have Lij's Scissor-tailed fly catcher drawing (which, might I add, is the Oklahoma state bird). I really like the tail on that bird.
Below we have a blurry photo of Abe's most awesome beaded necklace. It took weeks to complete. He was very diligent.

Here is my rag rug. It is my first rug attempt...ever! I watched my friend ripping up a sheet once at park day. She did it in such a way that it was one continuous strip. She said that she was going to crochet a rug out of it.
Months later I came into a large number of girly colored sheets that were certainly not going to be used in my man-tastic household (at least not on their beds). So I gave it a try and fumbled around, crocheting and ripping things out, eventually ending up with this (as seen in the pic).
We are entering our local county fair, even Chris (who is entering some great photos). Entry time is today and the judging is on Saturday. I'll keep you updated!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Homeschool Group

Chris and I attended our local homeschool leaders retreat. Let me just! The speaker had such wisdom and insight. Her name is Mary Schofield and she is active on the Board of Directors for the Christian Home Educators Association of California (among other things, like attending law school...for FUN). I am very glad Chris was there because the more this mega-mama spoke the more I wanted to run out da' door. But, all things work for good (so says the Lord), and so shall even this. It really helped light a fire under me and to get Chris and I on the same page in the planning phase of our new group.

Speaking of which, our new group has its kick-off picnic this Friday. I'm am refering to the group as a new group because it was not an organized, active group in the past and that is what we hoping for in the future. God opened the door. We walked through. It is all in His most capable hands. I just need to keep reminding my weak self of that.

Chris has been great. He is more than on board, he is leading the show. I love it! I am so blessed. He was pleased that I finally got my school year ideas down on paper and the first month of school prepared as well. This year is a bit different as I am going boxed curricula free.

I put a link for the homeschool group's yahoo group site. It is new so there is not anyone else on it, but I wanted to have it ready before we started the group officially. Let me know if you all have any words of wisdom (aside from things like, "Hey Angie, remember not to let your mouth run away from your mind"...this I know =) ).

Friday, August 7, 2009

O, one more thing. Luc is embracing the whole experience. =)

A New Homeschool Group

Well...I thought that it would be a long time before I attempted a more active role in homeschooling. God had other plans. Chris and I were given the local group here in Oklahoma by a family that wished to retire from being homeschool leaders so they could focus their attention elsewhere. We are even going to a homeschool group leaders retreat put on by the state homeschool group. I think it is so cool that there is even such a thing. I am even looking forward to going. While, to be honest, I am not sure that anyone will be in this homeschool group with us, at least we will be available to help any who might desire it. And, incidentally, Chris told me after we were given the group that he had been praying for something like that. I was astounded. I mean the man has always been active but this brings things to (wait for it, lol)..a whole other level (this is a Chris/Angie joke, sorry folks...had to put it in here).

We are having our kick-off picnic here on the 21st of August. So, pray for me folks! I don't want to be sitting there by myself (seriously, I have heard all my own jokes already).