Below is Abe's turtle drawing. In case I have not mentioned it before, Abe loves all things turtle. I thought he made a good use of color.
Again to our left we have Lij's Scissor-tailed fly catcher drawing (which, might I add, is the Oklahoma state bird). I really like the tail on that bird.
Below we have a blurry photo of Abe's most awesome beaded necklace. It took weeks to complete. He was very diligent.
Here is my rag rug. It is my first rug attempt...ever! I watched my friend ripping up a sheet once at park day. She did it in such a way that it was one continuous strip. She said that she was going to crochet a rug out of it.
Months later I came into a large number of girly colored sheets that were certainly not going to be used in my man-tastic household (at least not on their beds). So I gave it a try and fumbled around, crocheting and ripping things out, eventually ending up with this (as seen in the pic).
We are entering our local county fair, even Chris (who is entering some great photos). Entry time is today and the judging is on Saturday. I'll keep you updated!