Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sometimes we must drag our sheep

My sheep are moving sooooo slowly today. They seemed so surprised when I handed them their work back and asked them to make corrections. You should have seen their large, pleading eyes as I told them, "Of course you have to fix the problems which are wrong. What? Did you think that I was just going to tell you they were wrong and we were going to leave it at that?"

Yep, that is exactly what they thought. I must be too lenient.

Then one my sheep found out that if you do not do all your schoolwork on the day you are supposed to do it, then you get to do it the next day PLUS your schoolwork from today.

I didn't know sheep could look so incredulous and angry.

Did you know that sheep cannot seem to read directions? Do you know that if you bring that to the sheep's attention that the sheep will inform you that, "Yes, I can read the directions. And I did the directions, but, the directions did not mean what they said."


The sheep now know that directions do mean what they say.

"Mommy, can I just not do schoolwork today", says the angry, incredulous sheep who has been working on his second page of math while making every whiney, annoying noise he can think of.




  1. January is the month that moms are more motivated then the children. And when the sun is shining in the windows like today, it is even harder to concentrate on things we do not want to do. I will say a prayer for your sheep that they will get it together and get it done so they can play outside.

